Parents' Place
Parent Involvement @ JRHS
As parents, we want the best possible educational experience
for our children. Our encouragement and involvement can have a
powerful effect on our child’s attitude and achievement in
school. There are several ways that you can increase your
participation and become actively involved in school life at
John Rennie.
John Rennie’s Governing Board guides and
assists the principal in the setting of policies and in making
decisions concerning the school. It is comprised of parent,
staff, student, and community representatives. Parent
representatives are elected at the Annual General Assembly of
Parents, held before September 30th of each school year.
As well as electing the parent representatives to the Governing
Board, the
General Assembly of Parents votes to create a
Parent Participation Organization (PPO). The PPO provides a
forum for parents to share ideas and also serves as a
consultative body for the parents on the Governing Board. This
committee meets monthly and is your voice at John Rennie.
The Home and School Association is another
vehicle for participation. The
Home & School is an independent voice in education in Quebec,
dedicated to the enhancement and well-being of children and
youth. Our Home & School meets on a monthly basis throughout the
year. We encourage you to join the Home and School by filling
out the membership application available on the Home & School