Parents' Place
Home & School
We encourage you to join our local Home and School
Association. Home and School is a vital part of the volunteer
organization in both elementary and high schools. The
Québec Federation of Home and School Associations is
recognized by the Ministry of Sports, Leisure and Education as
the watchdog and only independent voice of English parents in
Our local Home and School Association offers individual
family memberships at a cost of $20.00 for the year. If you
are already a Home and School member at another school, you may
pay $3.00 to become an associate member at John Rennie. A family
membership includes membership in the provincial association and
the national association (Canadian Home and School Federation;
every province has a provincial association). Membership
entitles you to vote at all meetings and includes the
Federation’s newspaper, which is emailed to you, and
liability insurance coverage for the member.
JRHS Home and School volunteers work closely with the school's
Parent Participation Organization,
providing assistance where needed in the school. We also
participate in fundraising activities, proceeds of which go
towards enhancing the students’ environment and to grant awards
to deserving students at the end of the year.
For more information, please email JRHS Home & School at